perpetrator ['pɜːpɪtreɪtə] - злоумышленник; правонарушитель
relent [rɪ'lent] - уступать, сдаваться

President Jonathan, who is a Christian, said: "I want to reassure all Nigerians that the government will not relent in its determination to bring to justice all the perpetrators."

condolence [kən'dəulən(t)s] - соболезнование, сочувствие
condemn [kən'dem] - осуждать, порицать; condemn to - приговаривать к

Spokesman Jay Carney said: "We condemn this senseless violence and tragic loss of life on Christmas Day. We offer our sincere condolences to the Nigerian people and especially those who lost family and loved ones."

@темы: BBC news, vocabulary