perpetrator ['pɜːpɪtreɪtə] - злоумышленник; правонарушитель
relent [rɪ'lent] - уступать, сдаваться
President Jonathan, who is a Christian, said: "I want to reassure all Nigerians that the government will not relent in its determination to bring to justice all the perpetrators."
condolence [kən'dəulən(t)s] - соболезнование, сочувствие
condemn [kən'dem] - осуждать, порицать; condemn to - приговаривать к
Spokesman Jay Carney said: "We condemn this senseless violence and tragic loss of life on Christmas Day. We offer our sincere condolences to the Nigerian people and especially those who lost family and loved ones."
relent [rɪ'lent] - уступать, сдаваться
President Jonathan, who is a Christian, said: "I want to reassure all Nigerians that the government will not relent in its determination to bring to justice all the perpetrators."
condolence [kən'dəulən(t)s] - соболезнование, сочувствие
condemn [kən'dem] - осуждать, порицать; condemn to - приговаривать к
Spokesman Jay Carney said: "We condemn this senseless violence and tragic loss of life on Christmas Day. We offer our sincere condolences to the Nigerian people and especially those who lost family and loved ones."