dip - падение, снижение.
Average U.S. gasoline prices have dropped more than a nickel over the past two weeks, marking their first dip since December.
fib - привирать, выдумывать.
Have you ever fibbed on your resume?
Résumé padding - "вода", многословие в резюме
Percy Buckington graduated with a 2.5 GPA and had never actually worked a day in his life. But with proper resume padding, he was able to convince the committee that his trip to the most luxurious resort in Nigeria was a major humanitarian venture
whopper ['wɔpə] - наглая ложь
rep = sales representative (торг представитель)
From a white lie about time spent as a customer service rep to a whopper about earning an MBA, résumé padding occurs regularly across industries, experts say.